The Benefits of Belonging to a Community that Cares

The first step for joining, registering or interacting in a community is to create your profile, join groups and get into discussions with fellow members of NAIFA Nation.

Since NAIFA is a completely optional, opt-in community of like-minded people that lend their time, talent & treasures to our greater community, it should be fun! Enjoy!

NAIFA is member-driven and the direct input of committee members and frequent surveys mean that the speakers selected, the programs created and the content we provide are not just timely, but 100% relevant to your business.

Your one NAIFA membership fee provides you with access to a national network of business colleagues and participation at the state and federal levels for advocacy. In addition, your area might also have a local chapter or affiliate that provides in-person education.

With NAIFA, you will never go it alone. There will always be someone to lift you up and cheer you on to be your absolute personal best.

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